Tuesday 28 November 2017

The Basic Guide You Need To Know About Al-Anon (Alcoholic Anonymous)

There is much information you can read about Al-Anon, but there’s also a lot of confusion about what it is. It’s essential to filter the noise out of the real information about Al-Anon. Otherwise, people might get the wrong idea. People might not go for Al-anon because they think it’s not for them. People might misconstrue it as something else. With the article listed below, we will learn the right information about Al-Anon. Let’s start.

What Is Al-Anon?

The first thing that people should learn about Al-Anon is that it’s a mutual support group. It’s a support program for people whose lives have changed because of the influence of alcohol. It is the mission of Al-Anon to offer recourse to people suffering from drinking. There’s a lot of psychological problems and issues that come with drinking. It is the aim of Al-Anon (Alcoholics Anonymous) to address and remedy all these problems.

The Program

It is the primary process of Al-Anon to connect people suffering from issues of alcohol. Through a community of people who share everyday experiences, Al-Anon can be hope for many. By applying Al-Anon principles, these shared experiences can help reform many lives. The community also uses the first-hand help of families and friends. With these varied forms of support, the individuals can find a better way to fix their lives.

Whether the individuals accept they have a problem or not, Al-Anon can help. Al-Anon’s therapists can help people start looking for the source of the problem. The fellowship in Al-anon will find a way to target the core of the impulse to drink.

There are various styles of the programs offered by Al-Anon. These are all designed to help people either cope with the issues or help them acknowledge it. If you’re looking for the best Al-Anon near you, you may want to go to the white pages. There are authority sites online that can verify what you see on the white pages. Go for the centers that people have vouched for. It may also help to your cities’ local information services to verify the sites. Many of the information you find online could fool you. There should be reliable authority to confirm what you read.

Spiritual Fellowship

Al-Anon Groups are not religious, but they are somehow considered a spiritual fellowship. There is no specific reliance on a particular religion. People can rely upon that Al-anon groups they join will offer a sense of control for the people who need to cope. With the twelve-steps indicated in the program, the individuals can find strategies. With these policies, it will be more accessible now for the individuals to find hope.

It’s also important to know the individuals that there’s no religion in Al-Anon. It embraces all faiths. It helps people understand that there is hope. It helps people take back control of their lives.

Registration Process

An Al-Anon doesn’t require a membership. It’s mainly on a walk-in basis. People can come and go, as frequently and infrequently as they want. There’s no pressure for any obligation to those attending. Anyone who needs help with their alcohol problem can join in.

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Tuesday 21 November 2017

How Do Alcoholics Affect Families and Friends?

There are many things you can read online. Most of them might not be able to offer the complete information that you need. It’s always important to find the reliable information that you need for therapy. It’s also important to make the information verified. In the case of alcoholism and the topics about it, online information should clear things up. They should not confuse. They should not be fake news. This is not different from learning about Al-anon.

If you’re learning about Alcoholics Anonymous, you may want to start with family. The family is the center of the issues that run behind an alcoholic. There are a lot of family factors that contribute to alcoholism. These factors are important for Alcoholics Anonymous to discuss. These are the topics that any meeting should tackle.

One topic about Alcoholics is the question of the impact of the illness to the loved ones. How do alcoholics impact and affect their families and friends? The answer to that is long. It’s complicated, varying and hard to discuss in a few sentences. But, some of the effects are obvious. Alcoholism extremely affects families and friends. It is even common to say that alcoholics’ problems find roots in the family. It’s even safe to say that alcoholism is a family disease. It’s a disease that affects each family member and friends who care for the sufferer. It’s the people closest to the alcoholic that suffers most. It’s the people who care most that get hurt a lot.

The family members are the ones who feel the first-hand effects of the alcoholics. It’s also the family members who experience the first-hand physical damage of the disease. Families and friends can also affect the pace and intensity of the recovery. It is the family that will be able to influence how the suffering alcoholic can find hope. The friends’ kindness and active involvement in therapy will determine the alcoholic’s cure. Being part of the family of an alcoholic is hard. The family member or friend will have to endure the behavior of the alcoholics at their worst. The families get to experience the effect of how much the alcoholics drink and when they can stop.

It’s also worth mentioning here that friends and family should not control alcoholics. They should not dictate what they should do or don’t do. Even if the friends and family take the blame, shame, and guilt, drinkers are also at fault. These family members should also be careful. They might get affected by the illness. They should try to monitor their mental health. They should try to get a breather. It might be too much for the friends and family to deal with the problem. It’s necessary for them to get help, too. It’s also essential for them to avoid being too attached to the alcoholic.

Alcoholics are addicted to alcohol, but their parents can also get addicted. They can get addicted to taking care of the alcoholics. It’s crucial for these friends and family to always take care of themselves.

The post How Do Alcoholics Affect Families and Friends? appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


Tuesday 14 November 2017

Living with an Addict: Vanquish Fear with Faith

If you haven’t experienced what it’s like living with an addict, it’s difficult to understand what those people go through. Some would think simply ignoring them would be the best course of action, short of helping them. The problem is addiction doesn’t just affect the addict, it affects the people around them, both directly and indirectly.

For example, you are simply roommates with an addict. The following can happen to you:

Your reputation will slowly decay, with people thinking you’re supporting the addict, or an addict yourself.
You will find yourself missing personal belongings, probably because it’s stolen so the addict can purchase their substance.
At some point, the addict will manipulate you into covering for them or take responsibility for their misgivings. This comes in a variety of ways
You might get abused, physically, mentally or verbally.
You might get tangled with law enforcement.
You might become addicted yourself.

If you could move out, you would. But what if it’s not just your roommate? What if it’s your lover, your spouse, or your family? You can’t just leave like that. Furthermore, you have the moral obligation to help them. There are many ways to help an addict, but how can you get through the ordeal? An addict can easily pull you into the spiraling abyss of their own habits, either dragging you down with them or pulling you down somewhere darker.

The Answer is Faith

Faith is what will fuel you to go on. For the non-religious, think of it as willpower, and staying true to yourself. To at least have faith in yourself is a powerful skill in helping you go through the challenges and tribulations brought upon by living with an addict.

Faith comes by hearing the Words of Christ, Our Lord. Hearing the words will instill us with the courage we need, and maintain our control of ourselves. We have those very words written in the bible. Yet, just hearing the word is not enough. Praying with the words instilled unto you is not enough. To have faith is to still do one last thing.

“Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.” – Mark 11:24

Believe in Yourself, Be True to Your Own Words.

It might sound easy, but to have faith in yourself is realistically more difficult than having faith in a higher power. When dealing with an addict, your words must have power to them. That means when you state your boundaries and your warnings, believe in yourself that you’ll fulfill them. An addict will attempt to manipulate you, push you to your limits, and even hurt you. Yet you must not falter.

When you are true to your word, just as the Lord’s Words are ever true, you will find strength in your actions over the addict and the addict will grow to respect you. This bit of respect can spark trust and with trust, you can guide them to the path of recovery.

The post Living with an Addict: Vanquish Fear with Faith appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


Friday 10 November 2017

Living With An Addict: When is it Time to Move Out?

Addiction is a tough disease to cure. One of the main reasons why is because the person itself often doesn’t want to be cured. They think this because they believe that life is better with their substance and the process of recovery is long, miserable and painful.

For people living with an addict, be it their family or their spouse, at some point, it becomes too much. The toxicity of their habits spread out, degrading everything around them as they slowly spiral down the abyss of their addiction. Sometimes, the solution is to dive into that abyss, grab them by the hand, and help them up the spiral staircase of recovery.

It would be nice if they nodded and walked one step at a time with you. Sometimes though, what they end up doing is to drag you with them, destroying yourself in the process. In this case, the only way out is to let go and climb out yourself.

When should you? It is difficult to give up on them, especially if you love them. Sometimes though, letting go may be the best solution for both you and your addicted loved one. When should you let go?

Stop Considering if your Children are Getting Affected

Stop thinking about it, stop justifying it, start planning, start packing and leave with your kids. If it sounds too vague for you, to make a decision, here are a few things to think about.

Has your spouse used their substance in front of your children or exposed them to the substance? Even just telling them about it counts.
Has your spouse been with your children while under the influence of their substance?
Has your spouse physically or verbally abused the children, (and you included?)
Has your spouse undermined your financial stability? Has your spouse stolen money, or used your savings to further their addiction?
Is your daily life composed of ensuring that the family is peaceful and helping your children endure the addiction?
Are you constantly being demeaned, or feel like your value over the family is little compared to your addicted spouse, especially towards your children?

If you have answered yes to at least three of these, don’t delay further. You have every right to separate yourself and your children from your partner. Your children’s lives can and will get affected in the long run. As they grow into adults, the trauma and turmoil they will feel will shape them, often negatively. It would be better for them to deal with separation, than enduring constant and escalating abuse from your partner.

Yet, there are reasons why some spouses don’t leave, even if all the questions applied to them.

Why Some Spouses find it Impossible to Leave

Love. Leaving your addicted partner can lead to the idea that you’re abandoning them. Leaving them to their to their own devices could potentially further their addiction. Without your support, they could spiral down to the darkest parts of their mind. You’re afraid they will end up in a far worse condition without you to maintain them.

Finances and Responsibility. If your addicted spouse is the family breadwinner, it may be hard to separate from them due to the lack of resources. You could probably survive for a month, but what about the next one? Often, some spouses find it hard to handle the responsibility of becoming a single parent, especially when you don’t have a job or place to sustain your children.

There are two things to take heart. First is to detach your emotions from your decisions. If there’s a place where you should put your emotions on, it’s your children. Second, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Call your parents, contact your friends, even the authorities. At the very least, social services can assist you with your issue the best they can.

It is never an easy decision until you get to a point where you have no choice. Things are often at a far too terrible state when that happens. Sometimes, too late.

If your children’s lives, lifestyle, and future are at risk, don’t hesitate. You’ll do far, far more good than bad.

The post Living With An Addict: When is it Time to Move Out? appeared first on Addiction Treatment.
