Tuesday 31 July 2018

Depression may lead to drug addiction, suicide, or mysticism

Depression has always been viewed as a serious problem, especially in today’s time as more and more people are suffering from it. This problem has ended so many lives and perhaps, is still destroying many more. This is why the has been an urgent desire for people to find ways on how to beat depression. If not, this can lead to more serious problems such as suicide, mysticism, and drug addiction.

DepressionWe have heard so many news about people who turn to drugs when they are depressed. They think that doing so will solve the problem, not knowing that they are just making it worse. As a result of this, the number of people who are getting addicted to drugs keep on increasing. This is why we need more addiction treatment centers around so these people would know that help is just around the corner and there are people who are willing to help them.

Click the link to read more.

In 2015, Vice Ganda let the cat out of the bag and publicly admitted that, as a teenager, he was suicidal. It’s a confirmation of the many psycho-medical studies that say adolescents and those who belong to the LGBT identity are prone to despair following bullying, family problems, peer pressure, and social rejection.

What entertainer Joey de Leon insinuated in October 2017 is untrue, that “depression is just made up by people. They do it to themselves.” Nobody was laughing and, rather quickly, netizens retorted that such comments add insult to (psycho-emotional) injury.

Depression may be of two types, one is a depressed mood that everybody experiences, one way or another. The second is a persistent depressive disorder (PDD), which is considered a mental health problem of about 300 million people around the world.

The first is a normal, temporary reaction to life events such as loss of a loved one, social isolation, financial problems, unemployment, stress in living conditions, a medical diagnosis (cancer), separation, broken-heartedness, etc..

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Wednesday 25 July 2018

Midland Law Enforcement Joins War Against Drug Addiction

When it comes to drug addiction, so many initiatives have already been implemented. Each country that is struggling with their own drug addiction problem has their own way of solving the problem. These initiatives are very important not only to catch those who are involved with drugs, but most of all, to help those who wants to get out of it and start a new life. We all know that drugs can destroy all of us when does not get solved as soon as possible. It is often the cause of many crimes and so many futures have been affected because of addiction.

war on Drug AddictionIn Midland, they have a program that allows their residents who are dealing with addiction to get connected to treatment by going to law enforcement. They are hoping to bring law enforcement and community organizations together to find the best treatment options for people who have drug and alcohol addiction. For sure, with this initiative, so many lives will be saved thus contributing to the peace and order of the community.

Click here to read more.

Tuesday was the kickoff for a program allowing Midland residents dealing with addiction to get connected to treatment by going to law enforcement.

Hope Not Handcuffs is an initiative started nine months ago by the Families Against Narcotics, aimed at bringing law enforcement and community organizations together in an effort to find treatment options for people facing drug and alcohol addiction.

“I hope this is going to make a difference, and I’m pretty sure it’s going to,” said Midland County Sheriff Scott Stephenson. “This is a new concept and why this wasn’t thought of earlier I don’t know.”

The most important part about Hope Not Handcuffs is that it will help people, but Stephenson also believes it will save a lot of time for law enforcement.

“The old way of doing things isn’t working,” Stephenson said.

In conjunction with the Great Lakes Bay Region Families Against Narcotics chapter, Midland is among eight law enforcement agencies that started the program July 24, which comprises police and sheriffs in Saginaw City, Saginaw Township, Bay County, Bay City, Essexville and Hampton Township.

Midland’s law enforcement office is open around the clock, so people seeking help through Hope Not Handcuffs can come in, fill out a form online at www.familiesagainstnarcotics.org/hopenothandcuffs, or call 833-202-4673.

People who come to Midland law enforcement for the program will not be run through the Law Enforcement Information Network to see if they have a warrant, said Rodney Roten, City of Midland Deputy Chief of Police.

People will still be held accountable for crimes, but it will be in the context of getting them help for their addiction, he said.

Because the police and sheriff’s department in Midland are working on implementing the program together, it will be consistent for everybody seeking help, Stephenson explained…

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Friday 13 July 2018

Man Who has Helped Hundreds Overcome Drug Addiction Suffers Own Relapse

Getting addicted to drugs is very easy. You just have to let yourself keep using and enjoying it. But the sad part will be the effects- the damages it can bring to one’s life. Not only damages, but it can even lead to death. Good thing that there are those who decide to quit before things get worse. Although this can be a big challenge, with determination and the availability of help, it’s always possible to get out of it.

Overcome Drug AddictionIt’s so inspiring to hear stories about people helping one another to get out of drug addiction. However, for this man, after years of helping his fellow drug addicts, he had a relapse and now, he’s the one who needs all the help he can get. Good thing that rehab services and facilities are available to help him get back on his feet again, and hopefully soon, to help more people again.

Click here to read the story.

Ron Ward, founder of Celebrating Restoration, a grassroots campaign to free those from the chains of addictions, relapsed in June, and last week checked into a Florida rehabilitation facility. Ward tested positive for marijuana and benzodiazepine after he thought he was taking methamphetamine to mask his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. He also said he was struggling with a death in his family.

So Ward stepped away from Celebrating Restoration, a decision he posted on Facebook.

“I cannot help others when I cannot help myself,” he said hours before leaving his Middletown home for Florida. “I’m not in a place to help others.”

Ward had been clean since July 31, 2012. His new sobriety date is June 25, 2018. After the relapse, Ward spent time at a drug rehabilitation facility in Columbus. When he returned home, Ward realized “one week wasn’t enough” and he needed more intense treatment.

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Friday 6 July 2018

Local Woman Overcoming Drug Addiction

It’s just inspiring to learn about any news on people recovering from addiction. Those who have decided to make a major decision of turning back on drugs are really admirable. This is what the world needs right now- people who are willing to work hard to free themselves from drugs and addiction that has nothing good to give them. In today’s time, it’s so depressing that there are still so many people who use drugs and let themselves get addicted to it. Worse is, a lot today start using it at a very young age.

Woman overcomes addictionThis is why strong regulations should be imposed on drugs. At the same time, addiction treatment centers will be a great help especially to those who have been trying to quit but could not do it on their own. With these facilities around, they can get the kind of treatment that is specifically tailored for their needs. May this woman in the article below serve as an inspiration to more people out there.

Click the link for more information.

SCHENECTADY, N.Y. (WRGB) – We first met Carlie Mace while interviewing staff at the New Choices Recovery Center in Schenectady. She was there for one of her regular meetings and offered to tell us her story of addiction, which started with marijuana as young as 13 and took a more serious turn about six years ago.

“My back was hurting a lot and I didn’t’ know what to do. I’d just had a baby and had to care for my child and do everything. I had a 5 year old at the time. You can’t just sit around and be in pain you have to keep going” Mace said.

She went to a hospital and got a prescription for the pain. Carlie told us she had no idea how good the medications would make her feel – and how much agony withdrawal would put her through. “I was on top of the world, nobody could stop me. I could take care of my 5 year old, I could take care of my infant child, I could work two jobs and I just felt like I was on top of the world, until it was too late.”

During a follow up appointment, a drug screen found cocaine in Carlie’s system, something she told us she used recreationally. That meant no more legal meds. Carlie told us about the first time she went to buy pills off the street, and found something stronger and cheaper…

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