Tuesday 23 January 2018

New Jersey Drug Addiction Centers Continue to Receive Assistance From Drug News Source

It is always a serious topic when talking about drug addiction. After all, it has effects and consequences that do not affect those who are using drugs, but even friends and family members. Good thing there are drug addiction centers that take initiative to provide ways that will help the victims get back on their feet and live a better life.

Another thing that has been proven to be a great help in solving the problem of drug addiction is the availability of enough information that will inform everyone about it- the causes, how to deal with it, how to end it, who can help, etc. And it is even better when these drug addiction centers also receive assistance from different sources as this would mean that a more intensive and effective help is available to help the victims and their families.

Read on the article to know more about New Jersey Drug Addiction Centers receiving assistance from news source.

“SAN DIEGO, Jan. 18, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — National substance abuse and mental health news provider announces new informational pages to be built for New Jersey cities. The Recover known for their numerous resource pages are completing city specific posts for New Jersey drug addiction help.

Finding drug addiction news in a particular city can be difficult, and for drug addicts and family members finding the right information is imperative. The Recover has a team of writers researching all the drug and alcohol statistics for each city in New Jersey and posting it for readers to review. The drug news source is also providing information about receiving help for addiction or mental health within the state.

The drug epidemic in New Jersey continues to hammer residents with overdoses and drug related crimes. The state of New Jersey ranks one of the highest among states suffering from substance abuse. Inpatient drug rehabs in New Jersey offer treatment for those fortunate enough to enter into a rehab. But, many suffer with little or no options due to lack of insurance or no insurance with no ability to pay.

The new pages for New Jersey will outline options for those who have insurance as well as resources for those looking for state funded facilities. In addition, information about clean needle locations are listed if available, to reduce the increased risk of contracting and spreading fatal blood-borne diseases. New Jersey syringe exchange programs will be provided with phone number and location.”

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Saturday 20 January 2018

Drug Addiction: Everyone’s Nightmare

For those who have been victims and their family, no nightmare can be scarier than drug addiction. Yes, it does not only affect those who are using it but even their family and friends. Waking up from this nightmare is no easy. But with enough will and help from drug addiction centers there will always be a reason to wake up and live a new day.

Looking at the positive side of everything, it’s a good thing that more ways of helping drug victims are available. The best drug addiction centers in different areas are now capable of providing the best services suited to the patient’s needs and helping them get back on their feet. It is also a way of giving hope to the families that their loved ones will get through such nightmare.

Read the article below to know how drug addiction can affect people’s life and why it is considered to be one’s worst nightmare.

“It is every parent‘s nightmare and rightly so because it destroys marriages, families and other relationships. 

It also destroys the victim’s emotional, social, mental and physical health and can sometimes lead to that individual’s death.  This dreadful phenomenon is called drug addiction.

This problem remains a myth to many until it strikes closer to home. It cuts across the social divide and respects no colour, creed, gender or class. Actors, actresses, musicians, sportspersons, teachers and a whole lot of people from our society have fallen prey to this monster and met their demise. It involves the abuse of drugs by the affluent as well as the poor. Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Brenda Fassie, Lundi, Prince of Purple Rain, the list of celebrities who died of drug related causes is quite long.

In trying to discuss this issue it would be prudent to explain some terms relevant to the subject. Mthandazo Ndlovu, a Drug Abuse Prevention and Rehabilitation Specialist loosely defines addiction as “the abnormal physical, mental dependency on a substance”.

Drugs basically fall under these classes; First there are depressants. These are supposed to slow you down, for example, heroine. The next group consists of stimulants which “speed” one up such as LSD. Another group is that of hallucinogens. These cause an individual to hallucinate or see strange things, for example, crystal meth. The writer’s focus is mostly on the youth who are considered the future leaders but are affected by addiction to drugs.”

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Friday 12 January 2018

Reformed Drug Addict Launches Hunt to Find the Schoolboy who Turned his Life Around

Sometime, it becomes inevitable to walk on the wrong path of life. Being addicted to drugs is one best example for this. The number of people getting addicted to the different types of drugs is increasing and this is a problem that the family and society has to face. However, as there is always light after darkness, the number of those who also want to change and live a better life is increasing.

This becomes possible when we have people around us who are willing to help, as well as the presence of addiction treatment centers. Just like in the article, it is such an inspiring story how one’s life has change because of someone who has been willing to help.

Click the article to read this great story of a boy who helped an addicted person and it’s now time for that person to give back what has been given to him.

“A reformed drug addict has launched an appeal to find the schoolboy who helped him turn his life around when he saw him begging and gave him his pocket money.

Ben Hornsby, 36, was living on the streets and asking passers-by for cash in Banbury, Oxfordshire, so he could fund his £50-a-day heroin habit.

Mr Hornsby found himself living rough after he was released from prison where he served a total of three and a half years for drug dealing and handling stolen goods.

But his life changed in September 2015 when a schoolboy approached him outside Tesco and gave him a bottle of water and his £2.50 pocket money.

Mr Hornsby says that gesture was the trigger for him to re-evaluate his life and get clean.

The next day he went to a council-run drug detox centre and stayed for three weeks before being transferred to a rehab programme in Portsmouth where he kicked the habit.

After just two years, Mr Hornsby has beaten his drug addiction, got a flat and now works as a motivational speaker and fitness trainer.”

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Thursday 4 January 2018

Inside the Story of America’s 19th-Century Opiate Addiction

Among any other forms of addiction, drug addiction is considered to be the “killer” of them all. There are various drugs that people get addicted to and one of them is opiate. We have for sure heard or witness stories of people who lost their lives due to this addiction. If not lost, their life is a misery.

To combat addiction, we rely on the best addiction centers so we can continue living our lives for our own sake and that of our loved ones. Doctors then prescribed the right medicines that can help drug addicts fight addiction and eventually, go back to how their lives used to be- a definitely better one.

The article below talks about a 19th century opiate addiction- how it was viewed back then as well as the role of the government. Click on this link to read the whole story.


“The man was bleeding, wounded in a bar fight, half-conscious. Charles Schuppert, a New Orleans surgeon, was summoned to help. It was the late 1870s, and Schuppert, like thousands of American doctors of his era, turned to the most effective drug in his kit. “I gave him an injection of morphine subcutaneously of ½ grain,” Schuppert wrote in his casebook. “This acted like a charm, as he came to in a minute from the stupor he was in and rested very easily.”

Physicians like Schuppert used morphine as a new-fangled wonder drug. Injected with a hypodermic syringe, the medication relieved pain, asthma, headaches, alcoholics’ delirium tremens, gastrointestinal diseases and menstrual cramps. “Doctors were really impressed by the speedy results they got,” says David T. Courtwright, author of Dark Paradise: A History of Opiate Addiction in America. “It’s almost as if someone had handed them a magic wand.”

By 1895, morphine and opium powders, like OxyContin and other prescription opioids today, had led to an addiction epidemic that affected roughly 1 in 200 Americans. Before 1900, the typical opiate addict in America was an upper-class or middle-class white woman. Today, doctors are re-learning lessons their predecessors learned more than a lifetime ago.”


The post Inside the Story of America’s 19th-Century Opiate Addiction appeared first on Addiction Treatment.
