Friday 12 January 2018

Reformed Drug Addict Launches Hunt to Find the Schoolboy who Turned his Life Around

Sometime, it becomes inevitable to walk on the wrong path of life. Being addicted to drugs is one best example for this. The number of people getting addicted to the different types of drugs is increasing and this is a problem that the family and society has to face. However, as there is always light after darkness, the number of those who also want to change and live a better life is increasing.

This becomes possible when we have people around us who are willing to help, as well as the presence of addiction treatment centers. Just like in the article, it is such an inspiring story how one’s life has change because of someone who has been willing to help.

Click the article to read this great story of a boy who helped an addicted person and it’s now time for that person to give back what has been given to him.

“A reformed drug addict has launched an appeal to find the schoolboy who helped him turn his life around when he saw him begging and gave him his pocket money.

Ben Hornsby, 36, was living on the streets and asking passers-by for cash in Banbury, Oxfordshire, so he could fund his £50-a-day heroin habit.

Mr Hornsby found himself living rough after he was released from prison where he served a total of three and a half years for drug dealing and handling stolen goods.

But his life changed in September 2015 when a schoolboy approached him outside Tesco and gave him a bottle of water and his £2.50 pocket money.

Mr Hornsby says that gesture was the trigger for him to re-evaluate his life and get clean.

The next day he went to a council-run drug detox centre and stayed for three weeks before being transferred to a rehab programme in Portsmouth where he kicked the habit.

After just two years, Mr Hornsby has beaten his drug addiction, got a flat and now works as a motivational speaker and fitness trainer.”

The post Reformed Drug Addict Launches Hunt to Find the Schoolboy who Turned his Life Around appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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