Tuesday 24 April 2018

Placentia Pastor Shares Drug Addiction Recovery Story

If there’s one thing good about drug addiction, it would be the success stories of those who were able to survive such challenging phase in their lives. Being addicted to drugs is no joke. One’s life can be turned upside down and those around him or her are greatly affected. However, it is a good thing that today, there are so many addiction treatment centers available and are willing to help those who wants to be saved.

In Placenta, NL a pastor shared his own story and journey out of addiction. He is now living the Christian life and he hopes to help other people to do the same. His story aims to inspire others, especially those who are having a difficult time getting out of drugs.

Click the link to read more.

Drug FreePLACENTIA, NL — A Placentia pastor is sharing the story of his journey out of addiction and into faith with residents of Victoria.

Jason Burge is a Pentecostal pastor, currently living in Placentia with his family. Today, he lets his faith as a Christian lead him through life, and as a pastor, he helps other like-minded people do the same. However, this was not always the path Burge — his addiction to drugs and spiralling mental health problems were at the forefront of his life prior to December 2007.

Burge’s story starts early, when he began experimenting with recreational drugs such as marijuana and hash oil from as early as ninth grade. From there, he explained it as a snowball effect, as he began to experiment in harder drugs, and before long, the experimentation transitioned from just on weekends, to every other day, to a daily habit. He said that although it started with marijuana, he found himself doing whatever it took to get the high he felt he craved – cocaine, ecstasy, and whatever else he could get his hands on. This, mixed with heavy drinking and mental health issues, meant his day-to-day life got more and more difficult to deal with as each day passed.


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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Collective Approach to Tackle Drug Abuse Needed: Department

It is a fact that the government faces so many problems and most of them seem impossible to solve. Take drug addiction for instance, despite of all the efforts and programs to put an end to it, the percentage of people using drugs is still surprisingly high. If this continuous, more and more lives will be put in danger. Drug addiction does not only affect those that are using it, but the families and people in the society can be affected as well.

In order to solve or even just to lessen this problem, collective approach is a must. Everyone, not only those in the government but all people need to contribute help to solve this faster and successfully. This is just the case in Cape Town wherein their social development department hopes for a collective effort in fighting drug addiction problems.

Read the article here.

CAPE TOWN – The Social Development Department admits it needs a more effective, collective approach to tackle drug abuse.

The department says statistics around drug addiction remain unacceptably high.

Since 2014, over 35000 people have undergone drug treatment programmes in the Western Cape alone.

A Cape Town father is currently facing charges, over the death of his drug-addicted son.

The man says he killed his son in self-defence.

Social Development officials say they’re changing the way they deal with drug addiction.

“The strategy shifted to outpatient where the services are based in the community that way you also, on the one hand, provide the treatment and access becomes easier but equally you build resilience amongst the individuals who are undergoing the treatment because they’re still in the very communities where the temptation is, so there’s a bit of a psycho-social approach now,” said Social Development Spokesperson Sihle Ngobese.

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

MyPillow CEO’s Unlikely Journey From Drug Addiction To Success

Anyone who has overcome drug addiction can definitely attest that the journey is never easy. Along the way, there might be many times when one would think of giving up. In fact, many have failed in this journey, which is really unfortunate and sad on the part of an addict’s loved ones. It takes a lot of courage, will, and determination to change for the better. Although it’s difficult, it is not impossible.

In fact, some of the most popular and powerful people we know today have been in such situation. We look up to this people and wonder how they made themselves so successful. But what is amazing is how they were able to have enough knowledge to stand up and rise after such downfall. One best example MyPillow’s CEO Mike Lindell who was once a crack cocaine addict.

Click here to read more.

The term “pillow salesman” doesn’t exactly conjure thoughts of drug addiction, controversial business decisions or ties to the Trump administration, but entrepreneur Mike Lindell’s rags-to-riches story is unusual by any measure.

According to The Washington Post, the Minnesota-based CEO of MyPillow transformed himself from a person with a crack cocaine addiction to a multimillionaire, finding success and recovery after bottoming out just a decade ago.

MyPillow (which came to Lindell in a dream) boasts international sales of 30 million units, and is a staple of home-shopping channels, not to mention countless radio and TV infomercials that feature Lindell himself. However, Lindell is currently experiencing a public backlash after refusing to pull advertising from Fox News. 

When The Ingraham Angle host Laura Ingraham tweeted that David Hogg, a Parkland massacre survivor, had been rejected from college, public outcry was swift and fierce.

Nearly 20 advertisers immediately pulled their advertising and called for a boycott of Ingraham’s show. Lindell refused to follow suit, though, tweeting, “I did not take my advertising down from @IngrahamAngle and @FoxNews, nor do I intend to.”

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Friday 6 April 2018

Bristol Drug Addiction Contract Receives No Bids

The case of drug addiction can be tiring in so many aspects. For loved ones, seeing their family destroy their lives because of drugs can be very frustrating. It is also a known fact that the effects of drugs can be very damaging to the point of causing death. The problem of drug addiction is not only happening in one country but it has become a worldwide problem.

More and more lives have been affected because of drugs and the efforts of the government are becoming to intense with the goal of ending the problem as soon as possible. But sometimes, misunderstandings among government officials or not so strong legislation are also causing delay to ending the problem. Just like what happened in Bristol when their drug addiction contract did not receive any bids.

Read on the article to find out more.

Bristol City Council has pledged an extra £284,000 a year towards addiction services after it failed to attract any bids for a contract to run services.

Councillors heard on Tuesday that no firms had applied for the £1.2m-a-year deal to help the most complex cases.

Deputy mayor Asher Craig said companies felt £1.2m “was not sufficient”.

Bristol has the highest proportion of people with complex substance abuse issues of any major city, according to Public Health England figures.

‘Too disruptive’

The contract was to deal with the city’s most complex addiction cases, meaning people with multiple issues such as mental health problems or homelessness.

Bristol City Council spends £8m a year helping addicts through services such as ROADS (Recovery Orientated Alcohol and Drugs Service) which aims to reduce deaths and support people through treatment.

Tuesday’s cabinet meeting heard that, instead of putting the contract out to tender again, the work would be shared among organisations already working in the field, which would receive the extra funding.

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