Tuesday 17 April 2018

Collective Approach to Tackle Drug Abuse Needed: Department

It is a fact that the government faces so many problems and most of them seem impossible to solve. Take drug addiction for instance, despite of all the efforts and programs to put an end to it, the percentage of people using drugs is still surprisingly high. If this continuous, more and more lives will be put in danger. Drug addiction does not only affect those that are using it, but the families and people in the society can be affected as well.

In order to solve or even just to lessen this problem, collective approach is a must. Everyone, not only those in the government but all people need to contribute help to solve this faster and successfully. This is just the case in Cape Town wherein their social development department hopes for a collective effort in fighting drug addiction problems.

Read the article here.

CAPE TOWN – The Social Development Department admits it needs a more effective, collective approach to tackle drug abuse.

The department says statistics around drug addiction remain unacceptably high.

Since 2014, over 35000 people have undergone drug treatment programmes in the Western Cape alone.

A Cape Town father is currently facing charges, over the death of his drug-addicted son.

The man says he killed his son in self-defence.

Social Development officials say they’re changing the way they deal with drug addiction.

“The strategy shifted to outpatient where the services are based in the community that way you also, on the one hand, provide the treatment and access becomes easier but equally you build resilience amongst the individuals who are undergoing the treatment because they’re still in the very communities where the temptation is, so there’s a bit of a psycho-social approach now,” said Social Development Spokesperson Sihle Ngobese.

The post Collective Approach to Tackle Drug Abuse Needed: Department appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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