Thursday 29 November 2018

Seminar explores drug addiction in African American community

Africa is among those countries that are struggling with their drug addiction problem. So many people and families have been affected because of this. This problem is also affecting their economy and of course, the society as a whole. This is why it is everyone’s goal to solve this problem as soon as possible. Now, the African community has conducted a seminar that aims to explore drug addiction.

drug addiction in African American communityAnita Muhammed is turning grief and guilt into good, bad as it may still feel. “I lost somebody I loved. From my standpoint because I ignored it for a long time thinking it would work itself out for a long time. Cut I didn’t realize the seriousness of it,” said Muhammed, fighting back tears. Though she never imagined or realized what was going on at first, just over two months ago, on September 23rd, her daughter Jasmine died of an overdose.  Anita said Jasmine had been battling an opioid addiction and eventually when the Percocets she’d been abusing were mixed with fentanyl, the addiction won.

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“I felt like I could do a lot more. But there’s nothing I could do about that now but I can do a lot of good now to help parents and their children so that that doesn’t happen to them,” she said.

For the first time, Anita is speaking publicly about Jasmine’s life and death to help others, particularly African Americans.

“In the black community it’s difficult to talk about,” she said.

She joined others like Columbus Public Health Commissioner Dr. Mysheika Roberts, 1 of a handful of speakers at the health department’s “Basics of drug addiction in the African American Community” seminar, said Muhammed’s story is an example of why it’s important to reach out to the black community, who often don’t ask for help because of stigma. The problem’s worse for someone who doesn’t have insurance or relies on Medicaid, when there already aren’t enough rehab facilities and beds for treatment. Most addicts are then put on waiting lists and told to call back.

The post Seminar explores drug addiction in African American community appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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