Tuesday 15 January 2019

Punjab govt takes concrete steps to end drug addiction in youth

All over the world, drug addiction is considered a serious problem because, in reality, it really is. It has been affecting so many people, especially the youth. We often see in the news youths who become victims of drug addiction or the number of those who are abusing drugs is fast increasing. This is the same case even in Punjab. In fact, their government is taking concrete steps to end drug addiction among youth.

end drug addiction in youthOver three lakh drug addicts were treated in Punjab in 2018 and more than 63,000 people are currently being treated, out of which 25,000 are heroin addicts, a top police official said on Tuesday, January 15. The retention rate is 91.71%, Director General (Special Task Force) Mohammad Mustafa told reporters. The Special Task Force, constituted by the state in April 2017, has been implementing a three-pronged strategy of enforcement, de-addiction and prevention (EDP) to combat the menace of drugs.

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The action plan named Comprehensive Action against Drug Abuse is aimed at choking the supply of drugs through enforcement and reducing the demand through de-addiction and prevention.

Mustafa said a multi-layered monitoring and implementing mechanism has been put in place. The Cabinet sub-committee on drugs headed by Chief Minister Amarinder Singh is monitoring it.

He said the outpatient treatment being rendered at 168 Outpatient Opioid Assisted Treatment Clinics is a great success.

The post Punjab govt takes concrete steps to end drug addiction in youth appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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