Thursday 14 February 2019

Preventing drug addiction could start with teens

Teenage addiction is a serious problem that needs an immediate solution. The number rises so fast that it seems like it’s so difficult to keep up. A lot of teenagers today are very daring to try drugs and a lot end up getting addicted to it. For a long time now, drug addiction and getting out of it has always been a struggle. Many have tried- there are those who failed while others were able to make it through.

Preventing drug addictionIn Clarence Middle School Today at Clarence Middle School more than 350 students heard stories from drug addicts themselves about the dangers and the struggles they face. Clarence Town Justice and Drug Court Director Mike Powers had the idea to put the addicts in front of the students to make more of an impact.

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“I bring some of my drug court kids out to speak to these students one on one up close and personal,” Powers explained. “I have found over the years with a lot of the programs I have done that the most effective speakers are the [drug court] kids… kids get tired of hearing adults tell them what they can and can’t do.”

One of the drug addicts that told his story was named Kevin. He started using alcohol and marijuana when he was in his early teens and became addicted. Now, decades later, he’s finally clean and he’s sharing his story with these teens.

The post Preventing drug addiction could start with teens appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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