Wednesday 15 May 2019

Woman recovering from methamphetamine addiction says she used while giving birth

We know for a fact that not only men use and get addicted to drugs, but even women as well. Especially in this present time, the number of women abusing drugs is increasing and the worse part is, there are mothers who even use drugs. There are those who are pregnant but still, they decided to use them. Here is a woman who is recovering from methamphetamine addiction and admitted to using while giving birth.

Woman recovering from methamphetamine addictionA recovering methamphetamine addict says she was so hooked on the drug she even used while she was in labour. In an interview with NZME, as part of its series on New Zealand’s meth crisis, Darnell Rumbal said the addiction was “stronger than my will to stop”.

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“With my youngest boy, even during pregnancy I used. I couldn’t stop using,” she told NZME.

“I went into labour six weeks early … When I went to the hospital and I was being monitored my friend turned up and had gear. I knew he had gear and even though I was in labour and even though I knew I was risking my child and I was in the hospital, I still said to him, have you got a puff? And he said yes, so we went into the toilets and I got high,” she told NZME.

Rumbal, of Bay of Plenty, is now more than a year clean.

Last year, the number of charges for the use and supply of methamphetamine hit at a 10-year high.

The post Woman recovering from methamphetamine addiction says she used while giving birth appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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