Thursday 8 August 2019

Drug crackdown launched in notorious San Francisco district

Rampant drug use is everywhere. In fact, drugs are one of the most pressing problems that the world faces at this present time. With this, it is very important to strengthen efforts to put an end to this problem. In San Francisco, just like in other parts of the world, they too are trying their best to solve their drug problem and to save more lives from ending as victims.

Seventeen federal law enforcement agencies are teaming up for a yearlong crackdown on a notorious area of San Francisco crawling with rampant drug use and “smothered by lawlessness,” a federal prosecutor said Wednesday. The government is arresting drug traffickers in the Tenderloin neighbourhood, near the city’s downtown, as the first step in cleaning up a roughly 50-block area long plagued by poverty and where open drug use has been tolerated for years, U.S. Attorney David Anderson said.

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The crackdown comes as California has become more tolerant of casual drug use after voters reduced penalties for possession of cocaine, heroin and opiates in 2014 and legalized marijuana in 2016. It also comes as San Francisco Mayor London Breed and the elected supervisor for the area have pledged to target flagrant drug dealing.

But San Francisco also strongly opposes federal immigration sweeps, and immigration agents are among those joining the FBI, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Marshals Service and others in the effort. And while city officials know the Tenderloin is a problem, they’re torn on how to address drug dealing and drug addiction, with some saying the city shouldn’t waste resources going after low-level offenders and criminalizing homelessness.

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