Wednesday 14 February 2018

Community can Help those End the Rough Journey Through Drug Addiction

More often than not, we think that addiction is the end of all the great things in life. At some point it might be true. What drug addicts who wish to change for the better fail to realize is the fact that help is actually available. Although there are times when they would think that others, even their families would not understand and support them.

This is why there should be more programs that will help the fight against drug addiction. At the same time, drug rehab centers are great help to drug addicts who want to get cured and live a new and better life.

The article below talks about how the community can offer help to those people who have been addicted to drugs and help them get back on their feet.

Read on to know more how the community can make it happen.

In December of 2012 Emily Raitt spoke about her journey through drug addiction. Her story began as an 8-year-old from a broken home, taking care of an ill mother and managing household responsibilities that far outpaced her age. She was given pot by a friend’s 15-year-old brother. Ten years later she was a homeless IV drug user.


Emily tells the story of being in her early 20s, addicted and homeless, sitting on a bench outside a grocery store in the pouring rain. She said it’s not that she wanted anyone to give her any money, she just wanted someone to look at her, to acknowledge her existence, to know that she mattered.


In January, Emily spoke on stage at the White House. She was invited onto a panel of nine women to share their input with those tasked with fighting the opioid crisis: Kellyanne Conway, counselor to the president, and Seema Verma, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. She was joined onstage by the president of the United States.

The post Community can Help those End the Rough Journey Through Drug Addiction appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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