Thursday 8 February 2018

Desperate for Help: Prescription Drug Addicts Turn to the Web

As they say, there is hope for everything. Even in the case of drug addiction, especially for those who have really depended their lives on it, there’s still a way out. It is a known fact, backed with figures that the number of people using drugs, specifically prescription drugs, have been continuously increasing. In spite of this, it is good to know that the number of those who are willing to be saved is likewise increasing.

Today, many people who have been addicted to painkillers are turning on the internet to seek help from support groups and other services. In this case, it is good to know that help is indeed available for me. There are so many drug addiction treatment centers online that can guide them and even provide them with emotional support.

Click on this link to read more about the article.

“Thousands of people dependent on prescription drugs are desperately turning to online help groups and calling up charity helplines because of a lack of government-funded services.

A growing number of people struggling with addiction to painkillers, benzodiazepines and antidepressants are guiding each other through the process of withdrawal on Facebook groups and websites. They say they have nowhere else to turn.

The Guardian has also heard that people are resorting to calling up the Samaritans helpline, set up for those needing emotional support.

Doctors have warned that while it is not surprising people are seeking help online, it highlights the lack of support available.

Andrew Green, the British Medical Association’s GP committee clinical and prescribing lead, said: “Where there are gaps in NHS provision, patients may feel this is their only option.”

The government has ordered an investigation into the growing problem of addiction to prescription drugs. Data compiled by researchers at the Oxford Internet Institute of the darknet’s biggest marketplaces also suggests that untraceable online purchases of the prescription drug Xanax are high, accounting for more than a fifth of total global sales.”

The post Desperate for Help: Prescription Drug Addicts Turn to the Web appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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