Monday 26 March 2018

President Unveils Plan to Combat Opioid Drug Addiction

Drug, specifically opioid has become more rampant in today’s time. Addiction to it has led to different problems affecting everyone in the society. Generally, the fight to combat addiction has been more and more intense but the number of people using drugs is constantly increasing as well.

In the United States alone, the opioid epidemic has been reported to be acute and the President has announced its plan on how to combat this problem. The plan includes the use of death penalty for some drug traffickers.

Read on to more about the news.

Speaking March 19 from New Hampshire, where the opioid epidemic is reported as acute, President Donald Trump announced a plan to combat the opioid epidemic.

According to, the plan “includes the controversial idea of using the death penalty for some drug traffickers.”

Reducing the demand and overprescription of opioids, cutting the illegal drug supply, and boosting treatment and recovery services are part of the “Safer Prescribing Plan.” The plan, says the article, “includes incentivizing states to move to a national database monitoring opioid prescriptions to help flag people requesting numerous prescriptions.”

The National Institute on Drug Abuse notes, “Every day, more than 115 Americans die after overdosing on opioids. …The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that the total ‘economic burden’ of prescription opioid misuse alone in the U.S. is $78.5 billion a year, including the costs of healthcare, lost productivity, addiction treatment, and criminal justice involvement.”

The post President Unveils Plan to Combat Opioid Drug Addiction appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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