Monday 12 March 2018

Suicides, Drug Addiction and High School Football

One of the most painful things about addiction is when it affects the lives of the innocent ones. Drugs, in an instant can turn the lives of every youth who gets involved with it. These innocent people- who are supposed to be enjoying and making the most out of their lives end up trapped in the influence of drugs. What’s worse is when they decide to put an end to their own life.

In Madison, there has been an opioid epidemic where the effects have been heart-wrenching. This is the kind of situations that need help from the best drug addiction treatment centers, as well as support from family and friends.

Click this link to read more.

MADISON, Ind.—An hour’s drive from Louisville, perched along the Ohio River, sits the prettiest little town.

Madison, population 12,000, has won awards for its beauty. Best Main Street. One of the top 20 romantic towns in Indiana. One of 12 distinctive destinations in the United States, according to the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

It’s all a lovely distraction from an open secret. On a reporting trip in July, I learned this in the unlikeliest of places: at Horst’s Little Bakery Haus, a doughnut shop with just a few tables, not far from the river.

A waitress had overheard me interviewing someone at the bakery earlier, and asked if I was a journalist.

She checked over her shoulder to see if anyone was listening. There was an urgency in her whisper as she said: “I lost my son last month. He hung himself from a tree in our yard and shot himself in the head. I cut him down myself, with my own hands. So many suicides.”



The post Suicides, Drug Addiction and High School Football appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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