Sunday 30 September 2018

Minnesota organization helps inmates with drug addiction

Not every addict has become so because it was a choice. There are many of them who have just been victims of consequences. The same goes for prisoners. Not all of them are in jail because they were guilty of something. Many of them were just left with no choice or they have been framed for something they did not do. But the worse thing is when these inmates become addicted to drugs.

inmates drug addictionInstead of serving their purpose in prison, they are putting themselves at greater risks. This is why these people need all the help they could get. It’s a good thing that in Minnesota, organizations are taking the initiative to help inmates overcome their drug addiction. This is for the purpose of helping them avoid overdosing as soon as they leave the jail.

Click here for more information.

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – A Minnesota jail is working to get inmates to access to drug treatment and avoid the danger of overdosing when they leave.

Minnesota Public Radio reports that faith-based Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge offers short-term and long-term treatment programs.

Tim Walsh is the organization’s vice president of long-term recovery and mental health. He says about 40 percent of the people the organization helps to have legal conditions connected to their recovery.

Walsh says that while people leaving jail likely have the advantage of having already gone through withdrawal, they also face other challenges like limited job options, legal requirements, and loss of a support system.

Gina Evans leads the organization’s community outreach efforts. She says inmates being released are at a high risk of overdosing.

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Friday 21 September 2018

Those Struggling With Drug Addiction Have A Unique Place To Seek Help In New Jersey

The struggle against drug addiction is real and one of the most difficult things that one will ever go through. So many fail to get out of it and there are those who were able to get through it as well with some help. As the problem with drugs is getting more serious each day, all the help that one can get will make a great difference.

Drug Addiction helpIn New Jersey, the Evesham Township police station is ready to change their lives and deal with their drug addictions. It’s a program called “Straight to Treatment.” The program is part of a broad approach to the opioid epidemic which includes enforcement, education and expanding treatment. By getting help at a police station, addicts can also clear some of their legal hurdles like outstanding warrants.

Click here for more information.

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — There are many reasons people walk into police stations, usually to report a crime or because they’re accused of committing one.

But since March, more than 50 people have gone to the Evesham Township police station ready to change their lives and deal with their drug addictions. It’s a program called “Straight to Treatment.”

“There was one individual that they referred directly to us and within 15 hours we were able to get them into treatment and started on medication,” said Samantha Dowgin with Oaks Integrated Care.

Oaks Integrated Care, a local addictions treatment provider, has partnered with Evesham Township as the first town in Burlington County to do the “Straight to Treatment” pilot program. It was initiated by the prosecutor’s office.

“Sometimes the people with addiction that break the law are not career criminals but people who really need help,” said Burlington County Prosecutor Scott Coffina.

The program is part of a broad approach to the opioid epidemic which includes enforcement, education and expanding treatment.

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Saturday 15 September 2018

Instagram will send a pop-up about opioid addiction support if you search certain hashtags

Social media has been greatly influential in our lives, especially at this present time. It has gone beyond being a venue for communication. Many of us now depend on it to learn new information and to be aware of the latest news. Social media is indeed making a huge impact in each of our lives today.

InstagramNow, people are using it, specifically, Instagram to find addiction support and communities, as well as illegal drugs. The company is rolling out a pop-up today that will provide users with drug addiction resources when they search for hashtags like an opioid. With this, more people would be able to seek help as they know that it is available and within their reach.

Click here for more info.

Instagram says people are using the platform’s hashtags to find addiction support and communities as well as illegal drugs. So, in response, the company is rolling out a pop-up today that’ll provide users with drug addiction resources if they search certain hashtags, like “opioid.” The pop-up reads:

“If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid or substance misuse, find ways to get free and confidential treatment referrals, as well as information about substance abuse, prevention, and recovery.”

The user can then opt to get support resources that Instagram developed with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, and the Partnership for Drug Free Kids. There will also be advice for family and friends of people with substance abuse problems…

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Tuesday 4 September 2018

University of South Carolina to sell drug that reverses overdoses without prescription

Drug overdose is a common problem in today’s time. It has already affected so many people, even the families of those who are using it. But the worse thing is, so many lives have been lost because of it. In spite of strict regulations, still, there are so many people who get access to drugs which lead them to abuse or overdose from it. But today, students in the University of South Carolina can now buy a so-called life-saving drug on their campus that can help them reverse the effects of opioid overdose.

drug overdoseThis drug is known as naloxone and is sold under the name Narcan. With this drug, drug overdose can have a solution which would mean saving so many lives. It is very important that solutions are made to save these people, along with the help of different addiction treatment centers that can provide a tailored treatment for the affected individuals.

Click here to read the news.

University of South Carolina students can now buy a “lifesaving” drug on campus that can help reverse the effects of opioid overdose, the university announced Friday.

The drug, naloxone — sold under the brand name Narcan — will be available to all students without a prescription at the Center for Health and Well-Being pharmacy, the university said in a tweet.

Price of the drug varies depending on a student’s insurance coverage, but without insurance it would cost about $125, USC spokesman Jeff Stensland said in a text message. The university is applying for a grant that would make the drug free to students, Stensland said.

“As you know, there is much concern nationally about the opioid crisis,” Stensland said. “Although opioid overdose is not widespread at USC, we wanted to be proactive, because no community is immune.

“Currently all law enforcement and health services staff have access to Narcan and are trained in administering it,” Stensland said…

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