Sunday 30 September 2018

Minnesota organization helps inmates with drug addiction

Not every addict has become so because it was a choice. There are many of them who have just been victims of consequences. The same goes for prisoners. Not all of them are in jail because they were guilty of something. Many of them were just left with no choice or they have been framed for something they did not do. But the worse thing is when these inmates become addicted to drugs.

inmates drug addictionInstead of serving their purpose in prison, they are putting themselves at greater risks. This is why these people need all the help they could get. It’s a good thing that in Minnesota, organizations are taking the initiative to help inmates overcome their drug addiction. This is for the purpose of helping them avoid overdosing as soon as they leave the jail.

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MINNEAPOLIS (AP) – A Minnesota jail is working to get inmates to access to drug treatment and avoid the danger of overdosing when they leave.

Minnesota Public Radio reports that faith-based Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge offers short-term and long-term treatment programs.

Tim Walsh is the organization’s vice president of long-term recovery and mental health. He says about 40 percent of the people the organization helps to have legal conditions connected to their recovery.

Walsh says that while people leaving jail likely have the advantage of having already gone through withdrawal, they also face other challenges like limited job options, legal requirements, and loss of a support system.

Gina Evans leads the organization’s community outreach efforts. She says inmates being released are at a high risk of overdosing.

The post Minnesota organization helps inmates with drug addiction appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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