Saturday 15 September 2018

Instagram will send a pop-up about opioid addiction support if you search certain hashtags

Social media has been greatly influential in our lives, especially at this present time. It has gone beyond being a venue for communication. Many of us now depend on it to learn new information and to be aware of the latest news. Social media is indeed making a huge impact in each of our lives today.

InstagramNow, people are using it, specifically, Instagram to find addiction support and communities, as well as illegal drugs. The company is rolling out a pop-up today that will provide users with drug addiction resources when they search for hashtags like an opioid. With this, more people would be able to seek help as they know that it is available and within their reach.

Click here for more info.

Instagram says people are using the platform’s hashtags to find addiction support and communities as well as illegal drugs. So, in response, the company is rolling out a pop-up today that’ll provide users with drug addiction resources if they search certain hashtags, like “opioid.” The pop-up reads:

“If you or someone you know is struggling with opioid or substance misuse, find ways to get free and confidential treatment referrals, as well as information about substance abuse, prevention, and recovery.”

The user can then opt to get support resources that Instagram developed with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, and the Partnership for Drug Free Kids. There will also be advice for family and friends of people with substance abuse problems…

The post Instagram will send a pop-up about opioid addiction support if you search certain hashtags appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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