Wednesday 4 October 2017

Do 12-Step Programs Work?

When dealing with addiction, some rehabilitation centers follow something called the 12-Step program. It’s a method of addressing, understanding, accepting the causes behind the addiction and seek a better life. Some people state that 12-Step program does not work, that it’s purely subjective and has no long-term effects. One aspect of that is true. There are people who relapse after the program and some even want to approach it for several reasons.

Why People Believe 12 Step Programs Don’t Work

There are plenty of misconceptions about the program. These are usually because they haven’t been there, or listened to people who had a bad experience with it. Others are simply a misinterpretation of the inner workings of the program.

  • People Believe that 12 Step Programs are to “Reprogram” or “Brainwash” You

The 12-Step Programs are simply a suggestion. You can choose to follow it or not. You are free to leave when you want and stay if you think you need help. The steps are no different from practicing a dance routine until you know the entire dance. The reason why it appears as “reprogramming” is because of the repetition and habit required to form.

  • People Think 12-Step Meetings are Only For Religious People

Part of the steps is about accepting a higher power, in this case, God. Regardless of your religious alignment, the steps will help you gain perspective.

  • People Think That 12-Step Programs are a Cult or Similar

There’s a good reason why people think this. People gather into a group, practice a set of motions, mutter words and live their life according to the “doctrine.” It also doesn’t help that 12-Step program groups are sometimes called “Fellowships.”

It’s not a cult. Cults require you to believe in a certain dogma. They have rituals for acceptance and often have consequences for people who want to leave. The 12-Step fellowships accept everyone who needs help with open arms and those who leave are given a meaningful goodbye.

  • 12-Step Groups are Filled with Convicts, Addicts, and Washouts

You wouldn’t want to be part of a group with criminals in them, right? Good, because 12-Step meetings are not filled with them. It’s true that some of them have criminal backgrounds, but all members have one goal in mind: To rehabilitate themselves into becoming functional, law-abiding people.

  • 12 Step Meetings Have Low Success Rates

This is where the ultimate factor of this program lies, willpower. There are comprehensive studies that conclude a high-level success for people who follow the program. What constitutes a high chance of success? It’s people who follow the program loyalty.

12-Step Programs Work as Long as Long as You Work The Steps

It doesn’t matter if you’re religious or not. The point of the program is to help you understand your addiction, what you’ve caused, who you’ve hurt and what you can do about it. This program’s success rests entirely on the individual.

People who reported failure did not have the willpower and proper mindset. If they did, they did not seek help when they needed it. 12-Step Programs are made to ensure that for each step you take, you move closer to recovery.

The post Do 12-Step Programs Work? appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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