Monday 30 October 2017

Faith & Healing: How they Intertwine

Faith and healing sometimes come as one term. “Faith Healing” is the method of allowing a person’s utter faith in a higher power, repair and reorganize them, ridding them of their ailments. How does this work? Does it really work? Do you really need faith to heal? Won’t willpower be enough?

What is Faith?

As soon as it’s mentioned, nearly everyone will think that it’s about religion. They are right in one sense. Faith is the act of putting your trust in someone unconditionally. Putting faith in the absolute good, the Lord God, is one of the key things to practice it. There have been cases, however, of people or literature stating that a lack of faith in the lord is a one-way ticket to damnation and an open invitation to sin.

We won’t argue with that, everyone’s free to say what they will, but if there was one thing you should have faith in, it’s yourself. Surrendering yourself to the Lord and have absolute faith in him is a magnificent act, but God won’t do everything for you. A lot of people in the bible were challenged before they had they either gained faith or strengthened it, just ask Job.

In the end, they all had faith in themselves that they will go through with the challenge, proving their faith in God, and make no mistake, God was pleased.

Why Does Faith Matter With Healing?

You’ll hear some people think that faith is not needed to heal one’s self. The people who say this likely have a solid reason to back them up, but there is such as thing as fighting spirit. You would hear doctors commend a person’s fighting spirit, keeping them alive during the affliction of a terrible disease. This sheer willpower is due to their faith in themselves. For those who make it even if the odds are against them, can’t it be argued that it’s due to their faith?

Faith in a higher power is generally considered as the highest kind of faith. It may or may not have an effect on you physically, but it will have a psychological effect. This, in particular, is very useful with behavioral diseases such as addiction. Anxiety and depression are your main enemies, mentally speaking, so having a positive state of mind will definitely help.

In some cases, it can cause a positive psychosomatic effect. A psychosomatic effect is basically your body creating a symptom due to your mental state. You may worry so much that you have a back problem that your brain creates actual pain on your back. This can work in the opposite direction and relieve you of pain or discomfort.


The debate still goes on. Healing may happen with or without faith, but having a positive state of mind can affect you in many ways. Regardless whether the act of faith itself will drive the hand of God to heal you, or your own belief in yourself propelling your body to work better, what remains is that having faith helps. It’s not something you need to spend money on, just a simple matter of mental effort. Having faith won’t undermine you in any way, nor will it have any significant negative effect. Faith helps, if not much, is still something to add up the odds to your favor.

The post Faith & Healing: How they Intertwine appeared first on Addiction Treatment.


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